Good Morning Peeps!
This early cold morning here in the Music City I woke up feeling very blessed about my life. Even as I walked the girls in this frigid cold weather this morning......I began thinking about all the people I know and I how I met them and what they mean to me. Not to forget how they each have played a major role at one point of time or another along the way. Within each thought I could see clearly the impact each one had on helping me Believe in myself and grow into a better person in many ways. Beyond my own comprehension probably at the time.
Last night I found myself at the Hotel Preston amongst awesome friends and performing with two very powerful and talented women... Brittany Mason and Opal Justice. We had a blast perfoming a extra long set....followed by fun pics. Later as I was heading mind started to think about how lucky I am to be surrounded with so much talent and that I have the privilege of sharing the same stage with many of them. We all talked later and I am amazed how we all are connected in way or another and cross pathes without realizing it, only to eventually end up on the same path because of a mutal person or persons that both of you know. What's even more interesting is when the different pieces of the Journey are put together you start seeing a map of your life within each interaction and Adventure.
The results leave me amazed and at awe of Gods plan.
So as I wrap up my morning thoughts and take a few sipps of my tasty coffee...... feeling a surge of positive energy and warm inspiration's that seem to light up my soul in the most beautiful way.... I just smile and shake my head....thinking.... How blessed am I!
Peeps have an awesome Wednesday and I will catch you on the flipside!
~Tonya Noga