Good Morning Peeps!
This morning as I peeked outside I caught a glimpse of the sun beginning to rise as it slowly was breaking through the darkness of the morning sky here in the Music City.
My coffee is tasting deliciously wonderful and I am feeling really excited about today being Friday. Honestly....I think I am just Happy to be alive. That alone leaves me overwhelmed with gratitude!
Last night I had another oppurtunity to share my music in a writers round at Bobby's Idle Hour. It was a fun night and as the time passed I found myself surrounded by several of my music Peeps. What an awesome feeling to realize that the majority of people in the room have played a huge part in my musical Journey over the past few years at different times. What an awesome feeling.
Peeps have an awesome Friday, count your blessings and I will catch you on the flipside!
~Tonya Noga