Good Morning Peeps!
This Saturday morning here in Nashville it is a sunny yet cold one! All I can say is turn up the heat! Hey..I am just glad the sun is out so I can find my Silver Lining common denominator that will balance out the difference between the two and will positively impact my mood! The early morning Sun and my first cup of Hazelnut coffee. I'm feeling the heat already!
My thoughts this morning are about keeping things simple in my heart, my head, and my soul. There are so many times when it is easy to reflect on things unknown that have not happened yet and are to come.... even on things of the past, and than lose yourself in the moment by simply running each thought through the thinking mill one to many times!
Life is truely not that complicated.Things will be what they will be! The question is what will I do with each of the moments that effect me. Honestly...I believe in processing everything, feeling what I need to feel, come up with a resolution, and then Let It Go. Yes, sometimes it is painful and hard...but in the end a new perspective will arise and new beginnings begin.
Life has it's wonderful breath taking moments full of memories that shine brighter than others....but they also have thier own time and eventually a letting go needs to happen. Simply because everyday is a new day and if you hold onto the past to tightly, well you miss the here and now. Oppurtunities and new expereiences will pass you by like the wind if your not paying attention.
Then there is the infamous questions of the unknown that have now answers. Eventually the answers present themselves when the time is right. There is no forcing or manipulitating the anwers to come without repercussions and ironically still ending up with the same results...not having the answers needed. Simply because it's not the right time or place and the stars aren't aligned yet!
It's in that moment when I stop and remind myself to breathe, let go, and Keep It Simple! Like I said earlier....what will be...will be! All I have in this life is here and now! Tomorrow will be the same as today...the here and now! I'm thinking the key is to live and let live! Do the best I can, and take in all that life has to offer. Most importantly enjoy precious rare moments when they arrive and respect each one when it's time for them to go. Keeping it simple and living Life....finding my Silver Linings One Day and Dream at a Time.
Have an awesome Saturday Peeps and I will catch you on the flipside!
~Tonya Noga