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Writer's pictureTonya Noga

Good Morning Peeps

Good Morning Peeps!

This morning here in Nashville the weather is feeling like it is on the rise and heading towards warmer days! Trust me when I say...I cannot wait to finally reach Spring like weather. There may be more rain to come, but the sun eventually comes out even more and the temps start to go up...up....and up! I am having a little Spring fantasy while drinking my hot hazelnut coffee. That's ok....the way I see it is this....why not throw it out there and see what bright and warm effects come back! may not be in the sun, but it could also be something that resembles brighter things to come and gives that same feeling. There are times when I have wished or asked for things and I recieved what I asked for....... just not in the form I thought it would be! is usually better and more profound in it's meaning or purpose!

Every morning when I wake it is a new day....I begin with taking in the morning fresh air while walking my dogs, then I have that first cup of freshly brewed coffee and then sit down to write my morning thoughts......from there I find my positive thoughts for the day and roll with them. I may have thoughts, dreams and goals in the corners of my mind, but really the path isn't set! Anything can happen at any time! The path I may be taking may fork off to the left or to the right and then come back to a center point eventually. Yet with every step I take I learn new things, experience new and exciting moments that I never thought I would experience, and life sometimes throws in surprises along the way that blow my mind!

Either way....all of this happens because I decided to get up and get out and give life a chance to do it's thing while I am simply living it! The round trip ticket to ride life's express is FREE and the Journey is endless. The only thing I had to do is just show up.....climb aboard and go for the ride.

So Peeps.... when your life train rolls up the tracks and a voice calls out to you and says "All Aboard".... will you board and go for the ride or will you sit at the station and watch the train go by? The ticket is in your hand.....waht will you do with it?

Peeps...have an awesome Tuesday and I will catch you on the flipside!

~Tonya Noga

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