Good Morning Peeps!
It is a windy morning here in Nashville but the temp is 63 degrees and feeling great! The windows to my Haven are open and the fresh air is flowing while I hear the sound of the birds singing thier morning song! Which is so calming and adds to my positive mantra this early Thursday morning.
I'm sipping my Hazelnut coffee and enjoying every second. Before starting to write my morning thoughts I ran across a video that was shared on Facebook that a Joan Jett fan created about the History of Joan with the Runaways and the Blackhearts and her triumphs of proving the record labels to be wrong about their opinion of her music and voice! since I was 15 yrs old...I found strength and persistance of this woman to be powerful, inspiring, and motivating. During my challenging teens with all the extra add ons that most teens didn't have to go through (thankfully).......I had no one to look up to as a role model. When I discovered Joan Jett...I quickly learned about her history from the beginning! Let me tell you...over the last 30 years I have seen her break even more molds and become an even bigger role model for todays young women in music and in life!
Made me think about me and my music and who I am as a person. I hope that with everything I do I can be as influential in a positive way! I know that I am only me....doing what I do daily and trying to make the best of everything in my life. Looking for my Silver Linings and trying to stay focused on the positive while trying to make a difference whenever I can.
The sun is starting to rise and I am wrapping up my thoughts while taking my last sip of my morning coffee. I am thinking that my Silver Linings is that I know I have a voice and a choice to Live and Dream. That an awesome thing!
We can all make a difference just by living and being ourselves in the best positive way possible.
Till next time...I will catch you on the flipside!
Tonya Noga
Side note.....Another rockin' 50 minute workout at Planet Fitness this morning. Power to the goal! OO-RAH!!!!