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Good Morning Peeps

Writer's picture: Tonya NogaTonya Noga

Good Morning Peeps!

This early Wednesday morning here in Nashville is a little on the cool side but with a predictive warm up later today. I am perfectly ok with the warm up.

All I can say is send up the heat!

I believe I already started with the warm up as I woke up at 3:30am without my alarm and headed to the gym. I arrived at Planet Fitness at 3:40am and began my Cardio workut on the low bike for 20 minutes and than turned my focus to my lower body and worked out on the 5 of the weight machines. In the end I ended up with another successful 45 minute workout. OOH-RAH!

Then I came home to walk my babies and then grabbed my first cup of Hazelnut coffee....let me tell tastes so good! I think working out is enhancing the taste of my coffee. Either way... I am completely enjoying my coffee.

Today I will be applying for a Passport.....there will be a chance of me traveling outside the United States this year or in 2017. I am getting ready when the opportunity arises....I'm good to go! It never hurts to be this is my way of throwing my Dreams up into the air and see which way the wind will blow them.

Lately I keep feeling like a shift in my life is coming up....what it is....well I don't know....but I feel it! Maybe because I feel like things are still...not that it is a bad thing....because I have learned in the stillness.... some of the most wonderful transitions or opportunities have happened! So...I learned to breathe and let go of my control or lack of.....then let God do what God does in my life....most times I call these acts lessons for me to learn, new paths created for me to experience, and quite honestly being led to where I am supposed to be....which usually isn't what I had planned or even what I imagined for my future. Still it takes faith and trust to get threw the awkward moments of stillness or uncertainty.

Today I will remember to trust that whatever happens in my life....there is a reason and a purpose and I will try to keep it in a positive perspective. Keep moving forward with purpose and dignity. I am not perfect and have made mistakes in my and learned.....the most valuable lesson I think I ever learned is to take each moment good, bad or ugly and find my Silver Lining that will help me to positively move forward and grow as an individual and as a person. I understand that I can't let Life control me as much as I can't control Life! It's all about balance!

Peeps have an awesome Wednesday and I will catch you on the flipside!

Tonya Noga

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