Good Morning Peeps!
It is a cool but sunny morning here in the Music City! The temp dropped quite a bit last night! So much so..... I had to bring my plants back inside! Still the rays of the sun are shining beautifully outside my window! Hopefully soon the temp will start staying above 60 degrees!
Meanwhile I am totally enjoying my first cup of coffee this morning and I am not in a rush to do anything....although there is much to be done... I decided to allow myself breathing room to let the day just happen as it will.
This weekend I took a break from the ends my fourth week. Monday I will be continuing my workout mission at Planet Fitness. My fifth week will be even more challenging as I begin to throw in my daily abs workout. I am one part dreading the pain....but one part excited to take on the challenge. I am still feeling very motivated and quite focused on getting myself back into shape. Quite honestly....I love the way I feel after working out! One day at time is what I keep telling myself!
Another mission I want to take on ..... is with my music! I want to get back to the shed and work out some songs and create some new ones. Plus I want to lay out a new goal to accomplish! When I do this.... I actually like to sit down with a piece of paper and make a wish list of things I would like to achieve. One of them is getting into the studio with some of my songs. I would like to make a full cd. When I write this will not be done with the computer.....only pen and paper. Keeping the dreams and aspirations real.....starting with it being written by my own hand to hang on the fridge or in eyesight.....that way I can see it everyday! Yeah....there are some things I like to keep old school....and that's one of them. It keeps it personal!
Today is a new day and I will take in every moment. Our time is so precious and not meant to be wasted. There is so much that Life has to offer....we just have to take advantage of the opportunities that cross our paths.
Peeps have an awesome Sunday and I will catch you on the flipside!
Tonya Noga