Good Morning Peeps!
This morning here in Nashville it feels like Winter is in the air with a hint of the Spring like sun. Sounds confusing? You bet! While the wind is blowing....Mother nature is definitely showing us who is in charge of the Seasons! Still I hear the songs of the morning birds outside my window as they flock around the Bird Sanctuary. In my mind I still feel like Spring is here....just with a little challenge of change. Lord knows....change is might as well find the upside of the situation and roll with it! Kind of like this hot cup of freshly brewed creamy Hazelnut coffee. Yes...I had to throw it in
For girl is on her way here but the winter temps slowed down the bus ride because of ice on the roads coming down from Chicago....but she is still on her way! I could look at the downside of losing time with her or I could look at the fact she is well on her way and I have the blessing of spending time with she is safe and sound! There you's all about perspective.
Yesterday at work I was talking with a lady who was feeling a bit on the pessimistic side of things and I pointed out that the sun is shining on her right now. Literally..... and she said to me....well it's only because you brought it and when you walked away and the sun moved away. Just so happens it did...but we talked a while longer and then she walked away and the sun started shining bright on her....I yelled from a distance....look.....the sun is shining on you! She smiled and she held up her hands towards the sun....saying..the sun is shining on me with a little laugh and smile! I think a little silver lining popped up for her!
Sometimes it's easy to get caught up on the dark side of life and all the craziness...... that we miss the good stuff that is right there in front of our eyes! We can't change the situations that are all ready in play.....but we can change our perspectives and turn the situation around into a more positive direction. Simply by remembering that our Silver Linings exist all around us. Life is full of so many colorful and breath taking moments that could effect us in the most positive and wonderful way....all we have to do is engage in Life and see the bigger picture.
Peeps have an awesome day and I will catch you on the flipside!
Tonya Noga