Good Morning Peeps!
This morning here in Nashville the temp is comfortable with a slight nip in the air. Still it feels fresh outside with the overcast of possibilities to have another sunny warm day. Yeah...Spring is in the air and I am loving every second!
Earlier this morning after getting home from the gym and walking the girls.....I had a surprise guest sneek in to the foyer of my apt complex while I stepped outside to the patio to take in the freshness of the morning....I turned around and there was Rocky the Racoon peaking his head around the corner from the inside of the foyer by my door. I stopped and looked with the question of how is this little masked bandit going to react to seeing me. Well...it was an awkward moment to say the least. What is funny is that as soon as I moved out of the way...opposite side of this masked bandit....he made his way back outside and went towards the bird sanctuary away from me.. Then he stopped and proceeded to come back towards me. I quickly went back inside the complex and shut the door fast. Then he went away. Ok...close encounters of the Racoon kind! Laughing to myself. This is one attraction to the Bird Sanctuary that I'm not so sure about. Still he hasn't posed a threat of any kind! So long as he keeps his distance I can respect the fact that his home is outside in the forest behind the fence and I have food and he is hungry. He is only following his instincts. There you go....my part of respecting mother nature and the fact this Racoon and I share the same environment.
Week 7......Day 31
This morning I hit the gym at 4a.m. and started with my cardio warm up and then focused on working out my lower body....over all worked out on 10 machines and had another successful workout for 40 minutes. OO-RAH!!!!! I am loving the energy afterwards and feeling completely motivated to keep moving forward.
I was just thinking about how life can be so challenging and how we all go through changes emotionally and mentally. Sometimes these changes aren't without growing pains. In due time these same changes can help to open new doors of opportunity and insight about ourselves and who we are inside. Plus the light of hope has a chance to shine a promise of a new day! I for one love the light and new perspective it brings.
Peeps have an awesome Tuesday and I will catch you on the flipside!
Tonya Noga