Good Morning Peeps!
This morning here in Nashville the temp is on the cool side with a slight breeze! On the positive side of the coin this means the cool air feels perfect as it blows through the windows of my Haven.
Now we are on the second day of May and I am wondering where did April go? The days and months seem to be going by so fast! Maybe it's because there is so much going on or could it be that the old saying is true ......that time flies by so fast when your having fun or getting caught up in the moment. Guessing it's just the way time works! Time seems to have a power all it's own. Time heals, time carries on, all things happen in a matter of time, time is precious, time has a way of bringing people together, and the sands of time keeps sifting through the hour glass of our lives. Time brings about the Seasons and keeps track of the days, the hours and seconds of every moment, everywhere, all around the world. Time is the keeper of the seconds that pass us by, and in time we all eventually find our place in this thing called Life! The one thing we cannot do is freeze time....unless it's in a picture or video! Even then....it's not the same as feeling the moment as it is happening at that very given moment in time.
Then there is the moment when the clock tells me it's time to go to work....like now! So...my thought and Silver Lining to all things surrounding time....is that as long as I am breathing and are able to wake to a new sunrise and go to bed with a happy heart knowing that I was able to take advantage of the time that was given to me with much gratitude! Then Time has a way of soothing and comforting my soul....because I had a chance to Live and take in so many Adventures for another day!
Peeps have an awesome Monday and I will catch you on the flipside!
Tonya Noga