Good Morning Peeps!
The sounds of the morning birds are peaceful outside my Haven.....even as we have a bit of a thunderstorm here in Nashville.....nothing seems to be effecting the morning rituals of these birds. That alone is an inspiration to me, that no matter the storm, just keep living Life and continue moving forward! Wow....within a second of one moment I already found a Silver Lining! Goes to show....all it takes is a moment of being still and listening! Simple as that! I absolutely love the mornings and all it's wonders and beauty! No t to mention my morning coffee seems to add flavor to my calmness and serenity that I feel!
Yesterday I came across a challenge that almost zapped my excitement and motivation to begin a project that would do something good for the community and also help to bring together a group of people as a team that will be helping to make a difference. They say there is always one who will be the negative voice that could rain down on a parade and kill joy of a moment that could have a positive impact on many! In a split moment of excitement I found myself angry, frustrated, and ready to fold the whole idea because of the situation. Then I stepped back to collect my emotions and thoughts.......remembering and reasoning with myself .... that I need to respect the voice of the one, because there is probably a good reason why this person rebels against the idea. I had to bring to a point the sole purpose of why this idea was put into play in the first place and found a compromising line that could be agreed upon by all. For a moment I let my own personal emotions get in the way of listening and understanding another persons perspective and reasoning.....also respecting this persons right to feel they way they feel as i would hope they would do the same for me. In the end we are all not going to agree, but we still have to respect each others right to a free mind and voice! The challenge is finding that compromising fine line of respect so we can co exist. Seems to be a lot of this going on lately in the limelight of the world. People tend to forget that no matter our differences we are all still just people trying to find our place and voice in this big huge wonderful world and in Life! I sip on my coffee and wrap up my thoughts....I was feeling really good about my own self reflection of the situation. Because I can admit where I fell short, but I also didn't let it rule my passion about the project that was all in all be a positive and valuable experience for several people involved and especially for the ones it will benefit.
Life will never be a smooth ride, there will always be twists and turns, bumps in the road, and many detours. Still....the key is to keep driving , taking in the lessons learned and experiences gained while moving forward until you reach your destination and most importantly remembering to enjoy ride.
Peeps have an awesome Wednesday and I will catch you on the flipside!
Tonya Noga