Good Morning Peeps!
This morning here in Nashville the temp is humid with a slight breeze and standing strong with a comfortable 70 degrees. Honestly...not a bad way to start off Saturday.....as a matter of fact...... the Memorial Day weekend.
Well as I predicted in my Good Morning Peeps yesterday.... I turned off all my alarms so that I could sleep in and my own inner clock still woke me up at 5am. Go figure! I suppose that my body had the sleep it needed. So .... I woke up and did my morning thing....grabbed a cup of my Hazelnut coffee and stepped outside to enjoy the morning birds as I sat in the chair taking in the morning. It is such a treat to do that because I don't get to all the time. So....you can bet I appreciated that serene moment beyond words. After awhile I decided to water all the flowers and plants. When it was all said and done.....my little outside Haven and Bird Sanctuary smelled fresh. Of course the birds seem to like it as they slowly began to show up to feed.
My thoughts this morning seem to be jumping all over the place, but a lot of them are on the emotional side. Over the past few days I have felt a strong feeling of gratitude and humility. Along with a deep passion to do something that will help to make a difference. Maybe that's why i was excited when my song "Everyday" was one the songs chosen to go on the TSAI Cares CD to raise money for the "Special Needs"' and that I have been able to share my talent to help several different Fundraisers raise money over the past few months and now..... I am so driven to make this Water Bottle Drive for the Oasis Center sponsored by my department at work for Carmax Cares Month in June a successful one. My wish is to raise over 100 cases of bottled water or even more. Because this Center is a non profit center that helps to get the homeless youth off the streets and helps them to feel like they have someone who cares enough about their well being and in turn this helps the youth to believe that there is a future for them other than the one that seems so dark and alone. The Oasis Center has programs set up for education, home placements, and so much more. Last year I had the privilege to walk around the facility and witness a few of the programs that they have and was educated on some of the steps that they take to help reach out to each of the youth.
Yes.... I was moved! Especially since I can relate! When I was younger and had experienced getting lost in the system for a moment and later on the streets....there weren't any programs. I think that it's a beautiful thing that now today's youth have options and it's only because of the generosity of those who donate and make it possible and help to shine the light of hope for each young person in need of just one person to care about their future. We all know that it take more than one person...it takes a community to help make a powerful impact, because there is more than just one young person thrown out to the streets everyday! One of the needs is bottled water.....especially with the HOT months coming up.
Now...with that being said....I am trying to figure out a way to make it happen on my part. If there is anyone who wants to help by donating cases of bottled water. Email me at: tonyanogamusic@yahoo.com or leave me a message on Facebook. I will arrange for pick up of water. Maybe if you have any ideas....feel free to let me know!
Well...I know that my thoughts this morning were a bit long winded, but that's just where my mind and heart is at the moment. So....I hope you don't mind that i shared.
Going with that....my Silver Linings for today is that I am grateful for waking up this morning and for yet another chance to Live my Life the best way I can every second of the day that is given to me to Live!
Have an awesome Saturday Peeps and I will catch you on the flipside!
Tonya Noga