Good Morning Peeps!
It is a beautiful Sunday morning here in the Music City. The sky is a bit overcast but the breeze and temp makes for a perfectly relaxing morning so far. Anytime I can leave the windows open is most definitely a good day!
Now here I am sitting here drinking my delicious Hazelnut coffee wondering where my thoughts will take me. My guess is anywhere and everywhere. As I was just typing I heard the sound of the Woodpecker that has been pecking away at the wood fence most of the morning...I turned my head and he is eating from the bird feeder. This makes day two I have been able to see this beautiful bird. I never realized how big they are....I always thought they were smaller. Hmmm...guess I now differently! This year I have seen more of a variety of birds. Guess the good news has spread about the free nuts, seed, and dry fruit that is available in my Bird Sanctuary. Speaking of free food....for so long i had a Racoon issue and I believe that I have resolved my Rocky the Racoon issue. It was simple...remove the new bird feeder that was not squirrel/Racoon proof and use a small bag of ammonia to leave a scent. more Rocky Racoon...he moved on!
This weekend has been my weekend to rest, went to the gym, worked on my self honey do list of things to do and even on a new song! I pretty much have hibernated and focused on things that needed to be done around my Haven. Here lately I have been so busy that I started to feel a lack of balance in my own space....when that is off....seems everything else is off as well. I believe that when I am balanced in my own personal Life....well everything else falls right in to place. So...with that being said...I recognized all the signs that tell me....time to prioritize once again.
Even though I felt like I'm starting all over again, it's not a bad thing! Sometimes it is important to refresh and start new! The results always seem to re-energize me, kick start my motivation, and adds new Life to my creative soul, and shines a brighter light on my Silver Linings and all the things that remind me that Life is Good and that tomorrow holds endless possibilities that are waiting to happen.
So long as I'm awake with my eyes open and alert to the signs of windows of opportunity when they arrive. There you and cleansing my Haven ( a place that is the foundation and core of where my day begins) helps me to feel more balanced and in tune with day to day living. Granted this is just one step of many that helps me to feel more balanced in my personal Life! After all the day starts with you waking up with yourself!
Peeps....these are just a few of my thoughts that are running through my head. Hope everyone finds their happy medium and balance as we refresh and get ready for a new week. Have an awesome Sunday and i will catch you on the flipside!
Tonya Noga