Good Morning Peeps
It is still morning but close behind is the afternoon. I have been up since 7:30am. Even though I was up early enjoying the beautiful morning and drinking my Hazelnut coffee watching the world outside my window come to body and mind seem to have their own schedule of waking up and functioning.
So..... now a days I just follow what my body says! Suppose it's just all part of the healing process. With that being said....I make the most of it and slowly adjusting what I'm used to doing to what works out best right now. Not such any task to take on or let alone accept. It is what it I go with the flow.
Today I am feeling the urge to work on some new mission will be to figure out a comfortable way to hold my guitar. Laughing to myself and wouldn't think that this would be that big of a deal.....but that's my reality for the moment. I know it will change further down the road.....I just need to slowly ease myself back to where I would like to normal.
Quite honestly when my head starts to get a little frustrated with this whole heart reminds me of lucky I am to have this problem. Quickly I put myself in check and try to remember my gratitude. Yes....I am practicing my silver linings every second of the day. I have to....because I am to stubborn to let this get me down.
Example....yesterday I went out on a little outing with one of my Peeps to get Bottled Water for the Oasis Bottled Water Drive. All I did was walk from the car to the store, guided the cart two different times for two different purchases and went to my work to have someone let us in to drop off the water and then I was brought back home. took every ounce of energy and drive I had in me to take on that task. I was completely zapped when I arrived back to my Haven. The rest of the evening I was couch bound.
Personally....I felt great inside about going....because I feel very passionate about this Drive and not to mention this was my responsibility to make sure we get as many as possible to help make a difference. Because it's not just the goal that we's about the fact they are going to need every bottle we give them and more beyond what we raise. I wanted to see that we had even more cases happen and hopefully to encourage others to help us meet the 200 mark for these kids! We are officially at 150 as of yesterday! Tomorrow (6/27/2016) is the last day!
All in all....I wanted to see this through till the end!
Peeps, I know my thoughts seem very long winded, but I think that it comes with having a lot of time on my hands to think and write about! always....these are just my thoughts for the moment and my own personal way of finding my own Silver Linings. Hopefully any of you who read this can find a little inspiration or encouragement to throw into your own Silver Lining Pool!
Have an awesome Sunday and I will catch you on the flipside!
Tonya Noga