Good Morning Peeps!
This morning here in Nashville it is a warm one but with an awesome breeze that makes the humidity and heat completely bearable.
Last night was a challenging night of trying to sleep. It was one of the off nights when my body would wake up at all hours. Finally I was able to catch some zzzzzz's. Thank goodness!!!!
Let me tell you.....what a difference it makes when the body finally gets to rest.
Today is Friday and is the end of a work week for most, but today for me is yet another day of the week that blends together as one in the same. Still it is a new day with the opportunity for anything wonderful and unexpected to happen. The wonderful thing about Silver Linings is that there is no limitation to days, weeks, hours or seconds......in fact the time for Silver Linings is unlimited and free flowing. Honestly the only limitations are the ones we create ourselves. So even as I am limited to the happenings of the surroundings of my Haven....I make it a point to see all the wonderful blessings that surround me.
Such as the variety of beautiful birds that occupy my Bird Sanctuary daily, the green of the leaves on my plants that sit outside on the patio, the way the leaves blow in the trees, surprise visits and heart warming get well cards from my Peeps, the love and support from my family, the way my girl loves me and has my back every step of the way, and most importantly I get to wake each day to see how truly wonderful my life is in a whole new perspective each and every day!
Peeps there is so much to be grateful for and there is so much out there that is good and beautiful. Don't forget to open your heart and your mind so you can see your own Silver Linings that serve as a reminder of what Life is all about!
Peeps have an awesome Friday and I will catch you on the flipside!
Tonya Noga