Good Morning Peeps!
This early Monday morning here in Nashville the temp is quite warm and humid. I have been up since 4am and it was just as warm then as it is now.
I am betting that today will be a hot one. I say long as the sun will shine and brighten my day.....I can deal with the heat in my own way! Pretty much the way I deal with everything...taking it day by day, hour by hour, minute by minute, and second by second. In between while taking it one day at a time I continue finding my own positive motivators for why I am OK with the heat. Really I have so many more positive ones that out weigh the negative. Such as this one hot, tasty, fresh brewed coffee taste so good and I can't wait to get a refill. Even on a hot day like today my hot coffee is tasting so delicious.
This weekend I was able to venture out and listen to my Peeps perform music and met up with my Sisters for an afternoon lunch. I was able to have a dinner and movie with another Peep of mine. Then to top off my Sunday evening I had dinner with some more of my Music Peeps. Yes...I was still able to throw in my resting time. Actually that part kept me in check naturally ....which kept me from over doing it. If you listen....the body will tell you. These days...I listen to everything my body tells me. Which usually is a challenging thing because my mind and over anxiousness would most times get in the way. So far...I have been paying very close attention with a keen sense of awareness.
It's funny how we get so caught up in our own need for control over our bodies and forget to relax, let go control, and listen to what our bodies are trying to tell us! It becomes such a normal routine that when something major is happening and we are not paying attention, it usually doesn't end pretty. Hints why I ended up having my health issue and the problem was at it's urgent height and took me down. my lesson learned is to pay attention to every detail of my body as it is healing. Granted this is all new for I am having to read and educate myself on the surgery post effects after several weeks of healing.
Peeps sometimes it's not easy and we don't have all the answers. Yes...sometimes we miss the things we should be paying attention too. That my friends is our human nature. Still we can learn from our experiences and go with the flow and work on paying attention to the details. Learn as we go and learn to release the need for control. Practicing this one second at a time, one hour at a time, and one day at a time.
Have an awesome Monday and I will catch you on the flipside!
Tonya Noga