Good Morning Peeps!
Rise and shine to a new day filled with hope and change. Not to mention ample opportunity to make a difference just by being the best person you can be in this world of challenges.... but with a powerful voice to speak, freedom to choose, and the free will to rise to the challenge.
Yes...all of this is on my mind this morning as I am drinking my morning Hazelnut coffee and looking out the window. I was thinking about my Silver Linings for today...... first one is the love in my heart and the capacity to believe that there is hope and undeniable courage within each of us to pull together as one voice and make a difference. I love a respect our freedom because so many people have fought and died for this cause through many generations that brought us to here and now. I am full of gratitude to each person who fought then and are still fighting now! Not just in the military, but among each of us....the silent heroes.
I think about my freedom to be who I am, to speak when I have something to say, and the free will to explore endless opportunities that exist in the world...knowing I could do any of them if I choose and take action to get to whatever my goal may be.
Granted's not something that is just handed to us. No.....we must work hard, be persistent, and willing to give it our all with full dedication and having something as simple as Faith while trying to get there. Remembering that we all are not alone and move forward with the guidance of others that lend a helping hand. Trusting that wherever we are meant to be.......will be. History has shown us that sometimes the path we set out on can change and we could find ourselves going forward to a whole different path that could be better than we originally planned. Life is never set in stone.....thank goodness....because that would sure limit us.
Again positive thought for the day is my free will and right to be who I am and the gratitude to all the people that made it possible! Freedom is a gift never to be taken for granted and most definitely not to be forgotten.
Peeps have an awesome Friday and I will catch you on the flipside!
Tonya Noga