Good Morning Peeps!
It is a beautiful 70 degree Saturday morning here in Nashville with a slight breeze to top off the start of a new day. The birds are singing outside my window while hanging out in the bird Sanctuary.

I love hearing them first thing in the morning. The serenity I feel is so relaxing, calming, and an inspirational way to kick start my day. I absolutely love my Bird Sanctuary. Natures medicine for heart, soul and mind!
This mornings cup of Hazelnut coffee is tasting as perfect as the morning. There is only one thing...well maybe two things that would make it even more perfect. First is creating some music and that my girl will be arriving in a few hours. There you go....really....as you get to know me...it's the simple things in Life that really excite me. Every morning I look forward to watering my plants because of how shiny and green the leaves look. Flowers on the other hand...I always try my best...but my green thumb seems to stop at flowers . I don't know why...but it is a challenge for me to keep them fully bloomed. Still.....I give it my best and keep trying. Maybe....just maybe one day I will finally discover the key factor I am missing and will get it right!

This same idea and concept goes right along with my music and everyday Life. I keep nurturing my passion and love for my music and Life, giving everything I can the best way I know how......until I finally get it right or find that missing ingredient that takes me to where I am meant to be. Sometimes it takes a lot of patience, persistence, willingness, and time to see the final results. I figure...that's perfectly ok....because I have waited my whole life just to be where I am now and to have as many blessings as I do today. Not sound cliche.... "but anything worth having.... is worth waiting for." and " The squeeky wheel gets the oil".
These are my thoughts for this morning and Silver Linings to help kick start my Saturday. Peeps have an awesome day and I will catch you on the flipside!
Tonya Noga