Good Morning Peeps
This morning here in Nashville it is an overcast kind of early morning but anything can least by my view of the blue skies that are hidden somewhere in between....I feel very optimistic. Hey...the sun is up and anything is possible! Not to mention I have already decided that today is going to be a great day! Why not?
First of all the coffee is tasting perfect, I am alive and breathing, later this morning I will be performing music with my awesome Peeps at the Nolensville Farmers Market, my girl comes into town later today and it is my Birthday! Need I say more....nope! Today is going to be a great day! My Silver Linings are everywhere!
Last night I stopped by the Art Is In Nashville/ TSAI Writers Showcase event to show my support and remembered that I had a gift card that had been given to me as a get well gift from one of my awesome Peeps for Carrabbas Restaurant. I decided to stop by and have a pre Birthday dinner. What an awesome treat! Again I found myself counting my blessings! Ok...yes I do that a lot lately! I have so many things to be grateful for in my Life! I don't ever want to take any one of them for granted.
Today isn't just my Birthday....but it's a reminder of how blessed I am to be alive to celebrate this day that I was born. Honestly the age thing has not even crossed my least not until I started typing this sentence.'s about the Adventures, the stories, the Dreams. my friends, my family, my music, my girl, my four legged babies, my Haven, my bird sanctuary, my job and the fact I get to celebrate being alive to enjoy each of these moments of here and now.
Knowing that my life is full of blessings beyond what I think I deserve....but gratefully have on a day to day basis! This is another year of opportunities to discover and Adventures to experience and Dreams to follow!
Peeps....always remember the little things in Life and celebrate every waking moment that crosses your path. After all...there is no time limit or specific day to celebrate. Honestly...everyday is a birthday celebration for each of us. Simply because we are alive and kicking. While the our birthday candles burn....there is a wish to be made....a dream to be found or followed, and love to share as we go on living day to day! I celebrate each of you for being another day and year in my life!
Have an awesome Saturday and I will catch you on the flipside!
Tonya Noga