Good Morning Peeps!
Here in Nashville it is a humid warm morning but in the scheme of things...not to bad considering. Honestly the temp still feels good for an early morning start! Hey...it could always be worse! So...I am drinking my morning cup of Hazelnut coffee taking in the moment.
This weekend was full of many different activities. First of all Saturday I rested and took it easy for the first half and on the second half of my day I went on my Artist date by attending the Cirque Du SoleiL Avatar-First Flight Of Toruku. Omg...I was so excited that I was getting to go. When I made my way to my seat with the help of Ingrid...one of the Security Ushers...I realized that I was right at the stage. Oh yeah...I was so excited and couldn't wait for the show to start. From the moment it started till the end...I was completely taken with the story, the performance, and all the different colors they used to bring out all the props for the show.

Let me put it this way...if I could have.... I would have bought another ticket to see the second show. That's how much I liked it! All in all...I completely enjoyed my artist date. What that means was.... i went on a date with my Artist self by doing something that would feed my artistic & creative needs while having fun at the same time. I would most definitely say my cup was over flowing when I left. Another awesome experience and Adventure for my Life log.
Now Sunday was a taking care of business kind of day. I knocked out some things on my Self Honey Do List and had a surprise visit from a couple of my Indiana Peeps and then attended a Visitation of a coworker "Timmy Chapman" who had passed away a few days ago.
Well... When arrived to the funeral home I met his 82 year old Mom who was the most precious woman who was smart as a tack. When she spoke to me it was as if she knew me. She had said...you are on the cd my son brought home for us to listen too". I just humbly smiled in surprise that this 82 year old woman remembers this from two years ago. I was completely moved by her quick and funny wittiness. This woman who was grieving the loss of her son, was bringing a smile to my face as she showed so much strength. All I can say is that I was sad to lose someone whom I worked with for almost 14 years....but was so glad to meet his Mom who has pure heart and soul and you can tell how she impacts so many people around her. What an incredible woman! I could only hope to be as in tact as she is when I hit that age and still show as much attentiveness and compassion for life as she does!
Afterwards I headed to a Jen Foster event but my Maps kept taking me to Historic downtown Franklin and I kept losing reception. So...apparently going to this event was not in Gods plan for me. So...I gave up on the mission and headed home. Which was ok with me...because I was feeling pretty drained by that time I got home I was able to eat a little dinner and relax.
All and all...I would have to say that this entire weekend hit different levels of my well being and emotions, but the result afterwards was inspiring, positive and enlightening. Life is so precious and should never be taken for granted. Make every moment count Peeps!
Until next time...have an awesome Monday and I will catch you on the flipside!
Tonya Noga