Good Morning Peeps
It's an easy breezy Sunday here in Nashville. The temp feels great, in fact I have the windows open to let some of that fresh flow of air circulate in my Haven and I must say it is so soothing to my soul.
Not to mention my cup of Hazelnut coffee adds even more flavor to my early start of the morning.
Yesterday was another awesome day of music as I kick started the music at the Franklin Farmers Market with my rockin' music Peeps Opal Justice and Brittany Mason.
We had the opportunity to play for three hours to a very responsive crowd of people. Which was awesome!
We had a friend of ours Sandy Moyer join in and play a few of her original songs. Which was a treat all by itself.
My favorite moment was when this young man named Robert who is Autistic came to us and was showing us how excited he was to hear the music.
His mom shared with us his love for music and had said that he loves to sing a song called Fly Away.
So..... we invited him to sing his favorite song as Brittany played the music we joined in to sing along with him. Moments like this ring a special place in my heart and reminds me yet again what music is all about and why I love doing what I do. Music is a Universal language that reaches out to everybody in different ways and on different levels....but ultimately is understood by everyone...... everywhere all over the world. That my Peeps is a beautiful thing.
Later that evening I met up with my Music Peeps Kat'Lee Jones and Sandy Moyer to perform in a neighborhood Block Party in the Sylvan Heights neighborhood Fall Festival hosted by E Phillip Vallejo.
It was a beautiful evening and the perfect place to end my music Adventure's for the day. All I can is say OO-RAH....another day of music adventures for my log.
Today I head to Louisville to visit a friend who is in the Hospital and hopefully I will be able to cheer him up with a little bit of music and some company.Tough times lay ahead for my dear friend and his family. So...I will do my best to shine warm light on the day!
Peeps, I must say....that with all of the challenges in Life that surround me daily....with all the ups and has always played a big part in helping me with my Silver Linings. Not just because of me being able to write and create songs, not just because I am able get out there to perform's so much bigger. It's in all the people I have met, in each Adventure I experienced, and in each special moment that impacts and inspires me along the way. Not to mention the healing it naturally brings. Music has brought so many positive things into my Life and helps me to be inspired and motivated to keep moving forward and singing my own song. Never giving up and continuing to Dare To Dream. Which Sparks many Silver Linings to help me find my balance and positive affirmations to get me through each day.
Peeps have an awesome Sunday and I will catch you on the flipside!
Tonya Noga