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Good Morning Peeps

Writer's picture: Tonya NogaTonya Noga

Good Morning Peeps!

This morning here in Nashville the cold front has arrived and the temp is a lot colder this early am. Well...that is ok...I have my hot hazelnut coffee, the window open to balance out the temp in my Haven as temp begins to slowly rise. Let me tell feels great!

This morning I was thinking about a wonderful moment I had and wanted to share with my Peeps!

Recently I had found out from from one of my Peeps "Ryder" that his son "Logan" has Autism and when he would really excited he would ask his Dad to play my song "Everyday"...for some reason it helped to calm him down. I was humbled and so grateful that he shared this with me. So.....a few of days ago I shipped one of my cd's to Logan.

Well... apparently it took only a day to get to him and his father sent me a message telling me that his son was so excited and was running around the house singing "Everyday". heart melted as it brought a smile to my face that quite honestly I needed at that very moment. It was perfect timing.

It's kind of Ironic actually, because I have been feeling kind of off kilter as of late with the circumstances that have occurred recently in my Life! Even with my music...wondering if the songs I have created actually reach out or are having a positive impact on people. Well...this special young boy "Logan" and a young man "Robert"

who also has Autism, whom I met ...along with his mom "Shirley"at the Franklin Farmers Market last weekend.....both brought a light of encouragement that reminded me that God works in special ways and there is a bigger plan then the one I think I see in my own mind! These are two pure souls that were like angels to me. They came around just in time to remind me why I create music and do what I do.

In this crazy yet wonderful world....where it is easy to lose sight of the reason and purpose while following your dreams because of expectations set by the media and by those who say that if you don't meet the requirements and measure up....well you won't succeed. is my thought on long as you are doing what you love, following your heart and passion because it is something you feel inside....there is success beyond reason that those who are stuck in a box could never understand or fathom.

Success comes from each person that you connect with in a positive way, without expectation or realization that it is happening. Until one day you turn around and it just happens out of the blue.

Honestly...the reaction from others is happening the whole time....but they just aren't as visible to the eye....which in my opinion keeps me humbled when I don't know, because when it does happen....I appreciate it even more and treasure the experience and never will take it for granted because of it's rarity and sincerity!

Like I said earlier....God's plan is bigger than my own....everything has it's own time, purpose, and reason. I find comfort and inspiration from that thought!

Peeps, I hope everyone has had an awesome weekend so far and are enjoying this beautiful Sunday! There is so much to be grateful for in Life and blessings that continue to poor like rain. Sometimes it takes a little Silver Lining and reminder of what those blessings are that will help to inspire each of us to move forward and carry on with our path as we continue to Dare To Dream while doing what we can do in this thing we called Life!

Until next time...I will catch you on the flipside!

Tonya Noga

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