Good Morning Peeps!
This morning here in the Music City it is a cool one, but here in my Haven it is a perfect 70 degrees and my Hazelnut coffee is tasting just right! Not to mention it is Friday! is going to be a great day! The weather update says it will be close to the 80 degree mark later this afternoon. In my mind I keep far the Silver Linings are naturally kicking in.....there you go!
I know that there are many challenges and even situations that can happen in a day that will put my optimism to the test. People who will try to knock me down to their nothing is different, it's the same ole same ole kind of attitude...but I know it is up to me to allow them to steal my energy or not! We have that choice....just as we have the choice from the moment we wake up to think today is going to be a good day or a bad day! Ultimately we set the stage for how we choose to see the day! Now...we can't control events, but we can control how we respond to them. It's called taking ownership of our own attitudes! The old saying is that Misery loves company is so true... but...I have learned that if I keep rebuking the negative and keep replacing it with something positive or even 10 times more positive....eventually I find my Silver Lining that keeps my positive attitude in check. sounds easy....yet sometimes it can be quite challenging. The key is to keep on keeping on until it sticks!
Remember it all starts with the person you see in the mirror.....the reflection of self can have a positive effect on others whether you realize it or not.
This is my positive Silver Lining for this Rockin' Friday! Peeps make today count and keep moving forward on purpose and heads lifted high! Because today is going to be a great day!
Until next time I will catch you on the flipside!
Tonya Noga