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Writer's pictureTonya Noga

Good Morning Peeps!

Good Morning Peeps!

The light is starting to break here in Nashville as I look out my window this early Tuesday morning. While sitting here reflecting I am enjoying my first cup of Hazelnut Coffee. All I can say is it tastes so good.

My morning started at 4am as I pushed myself out of bed to go to the gym. It wasn't hard because in my head I wanted to go....still my bed was awfully comfortable and warm and it made it challenging just the same. My will to go won and I was up and dressed heading to the gym by 4:20 am I was on the treadmill working on my cardio. Afterwards I worked out on a few machines and then I treated myself to the Hydro Massage Bed. Which by the way is totally awesome! In fact it is was so needed. See...even though I am now able to go...I still can feel where I had surgery and must be careful not to over due it and the Hydro massage was great for relaxing my back muscles. My membership at Planet Fitness is worth having even if all I used was the Hydro Massage Bed. Just saying! I love it! Day 2 at the gym....OO-RAH!

Right at this very moment I can see where the sun is starting to rise and the sky is filling pink and blue. I'm not big on the color pink, but when it starts to blend in with the blue and white sky and the rays of the morning sun begin to's a beautiful display of colors that will only last for a short moment and than it is gone. Then the day light hours are officially awake and the day has begun.

Today is election day and a new President will soon be taking office! My thoughts about this election is probably the same as most....I can't wait till it's over and hope that who ever wins will be a positive push forward for the United States and all it's people, and will help to maintain peace with other countries. Pretty much at this point it remains to be seen who will actually win until every last vote is counted. My last thought on this matter is that I hope that everyone will remember that we all need to come together when it's all over...we have to live with each other in this big world and our relationships should not be based on politics...better yet it should be based off our relationship with each other as individual people and a common respect for each others right to live, breathe, think and feel in our own way because we are different from each other. There are different races, religions, genres, talents, and beliefs. The one common thing we all have is...we all were born and we all will die. In the end all the differences won't matter...because at the point we all are mere spirits and are all the same! This is merely my own thought at this very moment.

Peeps have an awesome Tuesday, remember to be respectful of each other, and most importantly remember to love one another. The Silver Lining today is that no matter what happens the sun will rise and show it's true colors and the sun will set at the end of the day leaving it's own personal mark with even more colors that will light up the sky. Another day where we all were all blessed to be alive!

Until next time.... I will catch you on the flipside!

Tonya Noga

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