Good Morning Peeps!
This morning here in Nashville I woke early after falling asleep on the couch and was at Planet Fitness by 4am. Ready to get my day 9 workout in action. That's exactly what I did for 45 minutes. Then I came home to have my first cup of Hazelnut coffee! Mmmm...it was so good! I don't know why but after working out and drinking water first....my coffee always tastes even better than normal. Hey.... maybe that's one of my many Silver Linings that helps to kick start my day. Yes.... it can be as simple as that...really there is no rocket science to finding something positive and motivating. It's a matter of wanting too.
There was a moment of when I came home from the gym when I stepped out of the car and noticed several stars in the sky. In that moment I just gazed at how beautiful the morning night sky was and how each star shined so brightly. Thinking to myself how lucky I am to see such an amazing view first thing in the morning. It's true I guess that the early bird gets the worm. In this case I get to wish upon any star I choose! Usually I look for the brightest star and close my eyes and thank God for always being there for me. All my life ever since I can remember, I have always given thanks on the brightest star. In good times and in bad! Somehow afterwards I always felt more at peace within myself. There was one time in the middle of the desert I sat on a rock and watched a tumble weed slowly blow by as I looked up at the stars. I remember finding the brightest star and taking a deep breath and letting go of whatever was bothering me. In that moment I was completely mesmerized by that star and found comfort as I prayed and then let gratitude fill me where I felt empty.
So...I guess I even then when I was about 14yrs old I was finding Silver Linings in the middle of the desert. Laughing to myself...because I never realized I started doing this when I was younger till now. Funny...guess it just became even more amplified over the last 6 yrs. Go figure!
Peeps.....Silver Linings are naturally within you and can be found anywhere you find yourself. Again....anything positive thing, person, moment, action, or even thought could kick start a motivating moment and great appreciation for life all around if you only open your heart, soul, and mind to the little things that can make the biggest impact in every way, shape, or form.
Peeps have an awesome day and I will catch you on the flipside!
Tonya Noga