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Writer's pictureTonya Noga

Good Morning Peeps

Good Morning Peeps!

This morning here in the Music City I woke up pretty early to find out that the cold outside my Haven is quite brisky which required a dose of hot Hazelnut coffee to warm my body and to help kick start my day in a sweet and toasty way. Not to mention finding the embers of inspiration burning within my heart and soul, reminding me that no matter how cold it is outside, it's what's inside that will set the tone a blaze for this fresh and wonderful start of a new day. Welcome Saturday... I have been waiting for you all week!

The past few days have been pretty busy for me........ in a good way though. After work I have been meeting up at my home church ( Inglewood United Methodist Church) with the Choir to practice for the Christmas Program that we will be having on Friday Dec. 16th at are invited to attend. This isn't just any fact this wonderful church that was a big part of my transitioning Spiritual and Musical Journey will be closing it's doors after the Christmas Sunday Service. I would love for all my Peeps to come and support us as we ring in the Christmas Music and Celebrate the meaning of Christmas... beginning with the story of the birth of a child that we celebrate every year on Christmas Day.

Plus today is the day Me and several other people will be helping to prepare for the arrival of the 40 children who will be arriving by bus for "Charlie's Christmas Party" and all of the festivities that will begin the moment they walk through the doors..... as they get to to sing Christmas songs, work on art projects, have lunch and open Christmas presents. I can't wait! Thanks to everyone who helped by donating to this awesome event. I will be showing up around 9am in my "Charlie's Christmas Party" T-shirt and festive vest. Ready to see the looks on their faces as I know my heart will be filled with so much joy knowing that we all helped to make a difference. is truly wonderful even in the midst of hard times or challenges because it's the little things that can change the outlook and perception in the most positive and motivating way. I love my Silver a way it helps to keep my heart and mind in check. Plus they remind me that God works in many ways and if we stop and look for just one moment....we will find that Silver Linings are everywhere.

Have an awesome Saturday and I will catch you on the flipside!

Tonya Noga

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