Good Morning Peeps!
This morning here in Nashville it is a rainy but warmer Monday kick starting the second day of 2017. Her I am with my cup of Hazelnut coffee pondering what new things I would like to accomplish this year. New goals to be made and new Adventures that are yet to be discovered. Yes...this is a blank page with the chance of new opportunities and several memorable moments that are waiting to happen. Sometimes all of this starts with a simple act of bringing them to light in your own head and seeing them happen. Yes...creating the vision in your mind and drawing the picture in your head over and over! Adding things along the way as the picture comes to life.
Over the weekend I was able to watch an artist named Bob Ross who had a tv show sometime ago called "The Joy Of Painting" and on his show he would be creating canvas art and adding several of his vision of clouds, trees, mountains, water, snow, grass and more as needed for each individual picture. One thing he mentioned was that anyone can paint their own picture if they just believe in themselves. Simply by taking the brush and painting each image from your mind one stroke at a time with your brush and minding the edges as they blend in with the rest of the painting. It's ok if you make a mistake because sometimes that mistake could turn out to be a Happy mistake that makes the picture even better. Over and over I heard it's ok to add whatever you feel is right because it is your world and your vision. Sometimes the scene may change as the vision changes, that's ok too...just go with the flow.
I found watching him to be very inspiring! Well....not only was he speaking in terms of creating, he was also speaking in terms of Life! Then again like most artist who create...each creation comes from the heart and soul of a visionary who creates from the experiences of Life.
Peeps as we go into this new year with a chance to create new visions of what success looks like to us....remember to use your brush and ease into each scene your trying to create with passion and respect...remembering to watch the edges as the picture begins to blend together that way each detail can pop and tell a story all there own. Your own personal story.
Peeps have an awesome Monday and I will catch you on the flipside!
Tonya Noga