Good Morning Peeps!
This morning here in the Music City It is cold outside! I felt the chill as I headed out the door to Planet Fitness to get my workout on the way for this week! Even though I arrived a little later than normal I was still able to fit in my work out goals. So.....to say the least I feel great about what I have accomplished this morning and I felt warmer when I left the gym and walked through the doors of my Haven. Not to mention I could smell the fresh coffee that had brewed while I was gone. Now....here I am with my first cup of hot Hazelnut coffee pondering my thoughts that will help to kick start my day.
Over the weekend I was able to accomplish so much and had downtime. Which is an awesome thing because I feel a sense of balance as I take on the new week. There was a self Honey-Do list of things to do I made for myself and slowly each one was marked off...but one of my favorites was sitting down to write a new song. I actually came up with a catchy verse and music about 2 weeks ago or so and keep coming back to it because I can feel where I'm heading or wanting but just haven't found the direction where the song wants to go. I always listen to the music and to the melody while the words slowly arrive, letting each one tell me what it wants. I was once told if I get out of the way....well the song will tell me what it wants to say. I believe this...so I let everything come when it's ready. Yesterday (Sunday) I sat down with the song once again...... out of no where.... I played a different chord and wa la...the makings of a chorus came to light. Still.... I have many other things to work on, because I really am leaning in the direction of something positive and motivating but has to do with today and the pressures of uncomfortable change and fear that is effecting so many because of the uncertainty of the results of this change. There are so many paths to take with this idea, but like always I want to go the path that relates to everyone. I am happy to say there is a strong build up....I can't wait to finish and share with everyone.
Now, yesterday I enjoyed seeing a group of dancers perform a show at the Nashville School Of Arts presented by FOUNDYOUTH called Pink & Blue. The cast of young teen performers created there own characters based on the pressures of gender issues and each one having a voice on the issues but was portrayed in dance. It was very moving and powerful. Even though I tend to feel younger in the mind, as an adult I was moved to see their perception and to hear afterwards their responses to questions about how they felt and learned from this experience. Not to mention they reminded me of the powerful influence we have on each of them by how react in society towards people who are different. This is an on going issue and even more of a reality today with everything going on politically. All in all....it was a privilege to see them perform and quite inspirational. I hope that they take what they have learned from this experience into the world and serve as a positive light of encouragement for their peers. Not to mention.....I hope they remember that they do have a voice no matter what society puts into a box.
We are all different and have our own personal battles with others, i think that we need to remember that in the end we all have the same blood that runs through our veins and the same goal of living our lives the best way we can, to be happy and have the need to simply be ourselves in the process without fear of judgement or prosecution. It's up to us to lift each other up and simply have each others back.
There you go...my morning thoughts for this Monday
Peeps....have an awesome Monday and I will catch you on the flipside!
Tonya Noga