Good Morning Peeps!
It is finally Friday...OORAH! Welcome to another new day Peeps. Today here in the Music City the temp is cool but the early Sunrise is breaking through the dark sky and makes me feel like there is hope that today is going to be a great day, even with my cold virus giving me a few challenges, my attitude is in tack. Meanwhile I am enjoying my cup of Hazelnut coffee wondering what new things or situations will present themselves today!
Pretty soon I will be making my way out the door to head into work. One part of me would like to stay home and just rest and heal, but the other part of me says that going to work will be the best thing. So long as my body and mind can handle it. That would be with that being said..... I will carry on as normal. Besides, I have plans for my days off....such as going to Vegas with my girl in afew weeks. I would much rather use my time on that trip where I will have fun and get to experience new Adventures. There you's all about priorities. I guess we have to pick and choose our own personal battles and do what is best for ourselves in the long run. sometimes it takes stepping out of the box and getting a different perspective that helps to bring light to the best possible scenario or solution.
Daily I do the best that I can with what's at hand. I am most definitely not perfect and never will I claim to be so....because in the end that is all we can do! It is human nature to make the wrong decisions sometimes ecause our heads are not in the right place, but on the same hand we have the free will to decifer between right or wrong and to see what would not work. Ultimately we set the tone of our day and moments to come. Which brings me back to my Silver Linings....when i first roll out of bed and stumble to my first cup of coffee, I know tht it's up to me to see the brighter side of the early morning and to decide what positive and motivating things can I invision that will kick start this new day. Wa I have my motivational armory ready to go and will use it as needed to help boost my days activities. Hopefully I can make a positive difference for someone else as they cross my path.
Peeps have an awesome Friday and I will catch you on the flipside!
Tonya Noga