Good Morning Peeps!
Rise and shine and welcome to Saturday! Yes, it is a cloudy, overcast morning with a chance of rain...but ..did I mention it is the perfect day to take it easy. After all it is the weekend. least that is what I am feeling this morning while looking out my window and drinking my Hazelnut coffee. Hey, my sunshine on this cloudy, rainy type of day is this....I am Happy to be alive and I love this perfect moment of being still, lounging and moving at my own pace. Especially after being sick the last few days. This is my time to let my body heal. Sometimes you just have to let it happen. Well today is the day!
Recently I decided to purchase again The Artist Way Book that has a second book attached and there is also a workbook. It has been awhile since I have read and practiced the activities, so...when I ran across this new edition, I thought to myself...I want to do this again. Seems, lately I have found that there are so many shifts of me that has quite honestly thrown me off. I can't really pin point why, but I will bet that it has a lot to do with my surgery and the woman change. Funny thing is that it feels like I am having to figure out a new version of me all over again. Some some say it's aging and getting older, I don't know if I agree with that...not saying that aging might not be involved, but I don't think that it is the root. thought is to dig deep into the new me. Where is my head, what are my aspirations, what are my goals, what are the things I notice changing, what is my frame of mind, and where do I go from here?
Sometimes it just takes time and patience and eventually the answers will be revealed. Still I believe that taking action to move forward is a helpful tool when it comes to self discovery. After all we are the only ones who can make these decisions for ourselves. Who truly knows who we are inside? That's right....only us!
So....with that being said! I can't wait to recieve my new book.
Peeps, have an awesome Saturday and remember your Silver Linings! I know I will.....until next time...I will catch you on the flipside!
Tonya Noga