Good Morning Peeps!
My morning here in the Music City began the moment my alarm went off and I jumped out of bed, through on my workout clothes and walked through the doors of Planet fitness to get work out on.
I added a few new workouts with more intensity and the results afterwards was awesome. I felt really good about my workout. In fact I was surprised how my body is handling it now. Which is awesome! Patience is still my friend, but determination is my motto. One day at a time.
I came home and wrote 3 pages of unfiltered thoughts in my Morning Papers after grbbing my first cup of Hazelnut coffee, of course. Can't start anything till I feel the warmth of my morning inspiration in a cup. honestly the inspiration is popping this morning. Now if I could just fit in working on my music in the morning. Then I would be one happy camper before heading to work. Unless I get up at 3am...theres no way to fit it all in before 7am when I have to head out the door. Who knows, I may experiment at some point....but not right now. First thing is first, focusing on my block. Besides, there is more time in the evening to block a time. It's all about time management and making the most of what time is given. With that being said, I will also sit down and work on booking venues. Even though I am trying to work on this course, I want to still stay active with my music.
After working on my timeline of Life Influences last of my tasks from the chapter that I am working on....I wrote down all my influences broken down in 5 yr increments from 1yr to 45yrs. My list was small for many years up until 36 to 40 yrs when the list steadily started to get bigger and more potent, but when I got to 41 to 45 yrs, I was simply blown away. The list was so big I ran out of room on my paper. i stopped and put my pen down because I was in aw of what I had just seen. I knew there were many, but to see it on paper compared to all my other years . I could the significance of that block of time where my Life was most effected in the most wonderful way. It was like the world just opened up and the Universe said..... Live your Dream....I got your back. So many people came in and were there so unselflessly with open hearts and open minds, teaching, guiding, encouraging, motivating, and so much more. The feeling I felt afterwards was wonder I feel like I'm not doing anything. This was a big moment in my Life. I wondered, how do I top this? Where do I go from here and what is instore for me in the next phase of my Life? I suppose only God knows....but I can't help but wonder.
Life has it's phases, and sometimes they are uncomfortable ones, but in the end it's all about adjusting, regaining ground, and moving forward. Taking the steps when it's time, being still when it is needed, and refocusing on new goals. so long as the waves of Life are rolling, we have to keep rolling with the flow the best we can.
Peeps have an awesome Tuesday and remember your Silver Linings and keep reaching for the unknown, because in the uunknown the possibilities are unlimited.
Until next time, I will catch you on the flipside!
Tonya Noga
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