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Writer's pictureTonya Noga

Good Morning Peeps

Good Morning Peeps!

It is a cold Saturday morning here in the Music City. All week we have had a taste of Spring like weather and Spring Fever has never felt so good! I sure do miss it today! Hey...just the same today has it's own awesomeness, of the cold, the sun was shining so bright as it began to rise on this new day! After having my awesome workout early this am, to see the sunrise completely warmed my heart. That and my toasty cup of Hazelnut Coffee brewed to perfection. Life is good!

This morning I walked through the doors of Planet Fitness and was on the Tread Mill at 5:30am. I successfully had a complete ab and upper body workout along with a couple of leg work outs. Peeps, yes I felt really good about my exercises this week! In fact I noticed some physique changes, it may be settle, but it is noticable. Which makes me feel proud of myself for sticking to my guns. I am on a mission but still allowing myself the patience and time to let it happen steadily and consistantly in it's own time. After all....anything worth having is worth taking the time to get there. Laughing to myself as I was typing that line, because this rule also applies to my music, and I need to remember this everytime I give myself a hard time about where I am or where I am not....according to my expectations.

Quite honestly I can be my own worst enemy when it comes to my self expectations. So...I have to remind myself to be Patient and let everything flow naturally. In true nature....when something is meant to happen, it will! There is no rushing or forcing results when the time is not right. There is only taking the steps to move forward, taking action to be ready, and doing a lot of praying then letting go! Patience is a virtue they say....I suppose this is true, it is just a matter of believing it yourself and practicing it.

This morning I also wrote my Morning Papers unfiltered thoughts and released a lot of spiraling negative thoughts that have been weighing down on me for quite awhile, wrote them out, came to peace, and then followed the serentity of letting go with a positive affirmation. Funny thing....I felt better the moment I put my pen down. Baby steps I say! sometimes in order to clean your house, it requires some removal of things you don't need, and then reorganizing what you decide to keep. So....Spring Cleaning of the heart, soul, and mind is my Agenda!

We carry so much day to day that sometimes we tuck away things in the corners of mind without realizing that eventually it all builds up and the clutter starts to weigh heavily. Effecting us in ways we don't even realize until later when we are forced to clear out that clutter because there is no more room.

When it is all said and done, there is room to move, free space to breathe and occupancy open to fill with something more positive, inspiring, and motivating. A Fresh outlook on Life!

Peeps, I hope my random morning thoughts helps to inspire and motivate in some way. These are just things I think about, feel, and experience while taking on my own Life challeges and changes.

Everyone have an awesome Saturday and until next time, I will catch you on the flipside!

Tonya Noga

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