Good Morning Peeps!
Rise and Shine, it's a new day and we are well on our way towards the end of the week, Yes.... it's Wednesday and over the hump day. The weather here in Nashville is warm and overcast with a lot of wind. Still, the chance of positive Silver linings is high. I am looking forward to each one.
This morning I hit the gym at Planet fitness by 4:20am and worked out till 5:08am. It was a great workout and I am proud to have taken on another day of meeting my big goal. I weighed in and lost another pound. OO-RAH!!! One pound at a time I say!
I also wrote in my Morning Papers. There was a lot of self healing going on because of a moment I had last night while looking for two pairs of pants. Seems petty...right?
Well, it wasn't! When your body has gone through changes and your trying to get to where you want to be physically, trying on clothes can be very frustrsting. Because nothing feels right. This can lead to all kinds of insecurities and if allowed, it can deminish or blot your positivity and belief that your heading in the right direction. Even though deep inside I know that I am slowly moving forward and feel better over all as I feel the positive changes in my body....the reflection in the mirror was my enemy last night and overwhelmed me. There was a moment when I really gave myself a hard time. Forgetting my positive Silver Linings, the hard work and dedication to my getting in shape goal. Even though I knew I was heading in the right direction with positive results. My reflection for a moment took all of that away and I could not get past it. Until I was reminded by my girl that it was ok, I am making progress and it took time to get to where I was and it will take time to get back. The "Change" is effecting parts of my body and right at the moment emotionally. I laughed and started to come back to me.
So.....this morning I made peace with myself and continued to work on my positive affirmations. Reminding myself of my positve Silver Linings and giving myself an atta girl for what I have achieved so far. It is important that I nurture my inner self and continue to share positive encouragement with all that I do, because honey will sweeten the motivstion to keep going and do more.
Peep....remember to give yourself a break today if you have a tendency to be hard on yourself for not meeting gosls in a timely manner. In all things in takes time, self love , and patience. Remembering your Silver Linings and don't forget to reward yourself for a job well done! Self care is so important mentally, emotionally, and physically. Just a little bit of of encouragement from my morning thoughts and experiences. Choose to use what you will if it moves you.
Have an awesome Wednesday and I will catch you on the flipside!
Tonya Noga