Good Morning Peeps!
Rise and shine and welcome to the first day of Spring! Kicking off my new Spring morning I found myself walking through the doors of Planet fitness to continue my workout mission.it has been two weeks since I last went because of vacation and coming back from Las Vegas sick. Now I am feeling more up to par and ready to carry on and head towards my goal.

Speaking of Las Vegas, they say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, I can see why they would say that, but really the only thing I left in Vegas was the keys to my life...which was completely replacable. Vegas had so many new things for me to experience.

I was able to experience the Casinos, Hotels, lots of different foods, a Cirque Du SoleiL show called KA, me and my girl on a Trike for 6 to 7 hours hitting the dessert and mountain roads. Stopping in Bonnie Springs, Red Rock, Fire Valley, Lake Meade, and seeing the beauty of Vegas outside of the night lights and can only be caught during the day. It was absolutely amazing.
Every morning I woke early to get coffee and to observe how Las Vegas doesn't sleep. It's true, people are still at the tables when the sun is rising. Honestly, there was still so much we didn't get to do while we were there....I am looking forward to another Vegas trip.
Peeps, I know that it has been awhile since my last Good Morning Peeps Blog, but I had decided to take a couple weeks off for clearing of the mind and simply to just take a break. I have to say this, I missed writing my morning thoughts. Still........ It felt great to be completely seperated from social media for a spell.
Now that the sun is starting to rise, i know it's time for me to wrap up my thoughts. One thing comes to mind right at this very moment.....The birds are singing outside my Haven and I am excited about the First Day of Spring. Now this will be a great Silver Lining to kick start my day.
Peeps have an awesome Monday and until next time....I will catch you on the flipside!
Tonya Noga